How To Get More Followers on TikTok: 10 Proven Strategies That Work

how to get tiktok followers

Starting a new social media experience is always fun. The new user interface, features and a bunch of other tools you don't know how to use yet. There's always the promise of more.

Fast forward to many weeks later after getting a hang of the platform. You're at 198 followers, wondering what you're doing wrong. Then you realize, it's not as easy as I thought!

If TikTok has given you a similar experience — rest assured that you're not alone.

If you're a creator looking to break your followers' drought or you're just a newbie in the platform. This is the article for you.

We will look at 10 fullproof ways to get a lot more followers on your TikTok account.

10 Industry-Tested Growth Strategies to Improve Your Follower Count on TikTok

Making money on TikTok can be easy for you if you follow these tips below:‍

  1. Content, Content, Content

This may sound pretty obvious but I'm quite sure that you are most likely not doing it right. And I don't mean creating content for content's sake. I'm talking about creating high quality and engaging content on the platform.

Even though the platform is associated with being superficial in nature it demands good quality content for success. Or at the very least content that your audience is very interested in. It doesn't matter if your niche is humor, lifestyle, creativity, news, music or fitness, you need to put in the work.

Your content on TikTok should be:

Catchy: always begin your video or the description of your picture with phrases that are attention-grabbing. Aim to keep viewers interested in just a few seconds with your content.

Relatable: learn to create content that is meaningful and valuable to your audience. Such content should naturally resonate with your viewers and make them want to like, save or share it.

Engaging: try to add eye-catching elements to your posts to encourage viewer interaction.

  1. Optimize Your TikTok Profile

On TikTok your profile page is the first point of contact on the platform. Whenever someone tries to see what you are about, that's the first thing they go to look at.

To optimize your TikTok profile you need to create an attention grabbing bio. It should be short and quirky while representing the type of content you post. If you can, choose a memorable username that will be easy for your followers to remember. So that when they come across your content once more, they'll easily kno it's you.

  1. Trending Hashtags are Your Friends

Always be eager to use hashtags on TikTok that are trending. They help you get involved with popular conversations and themes on the platform. This makes it easy to showcase your content across different audiences. So if your content is good enough and it's fun, you should see a surge in your follower count.

Remember to always select TikTok hashtags that align with your content and target audience.

  1. Be Consistent

Remember what we said about content, content, content? This is the second half of it. You need to consistently turn out high quality content that makes your audience naturally engage with you.

I know there's the chance of posting subpar content to meet up with consistency, but you don't have to rush. You can start from posting once every 2 weeks, to once a week, to twice a week and subsequently everyday. Just make sure you deliver quality to keep yourself on the radar.

  1. TikTok Collaboration

In your search for followers and engagement, you don't have to do it alone. There is strength in numbers on the platform. You can collaborate with other TikTok creators to exchange content between each other's audience. Such collaboration can bring in a stream of new followers.

When done properly, you can easily make yourself visible to a broader audience on the platform. Collaborate with creators in similar niches to better your chances of engagement. You can check different collaborations on TikTok to see how it's done.

  1. Cross-Promote Your Content

Do not stick to promoting yourself on tiktok because you want to increase your TikTok following. Make a habit of promoting your account on other social media platforms you have.

Platforms like X, Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat are good places to cross promote your account. Bring this will help you find existing audiences that would want to see more of your content on tiktok. It also saves you the hassle of having to create content unique to each of your social media platforms.

Sometimes, repost your TikTok video on your Snapchat or Instagram story, to let viewers enjoy the various content types you post.

  1. Use Popular Music on the Platform

Tiktok is known for its catchy tones and trending music, so don't fail to use it to your advantage. Research has shown that catching tunes is key to the experience of several tiktok users because of the platform's unique nature.

You can make use of TikTok's commercial library that is packed with different licensed music and popular songs that you can infuse into your content. Always be on the lookout for trending challenges and songs. Being among the first to hop on such content can gain you massive followers on the platform.

  1. Analyze TikTok Insights

Monitoring your analytics is another way to ensure that you get the right results on TikTok. Analyzing the platform's insights can get you to understand why you are not doing as well as other creators.

The metrics are usually split up into Followers, Account, Live and Content. Get the data from these elements and adjust your strategy accordingly to see an influx in followers.

  1. Be Flexible

The TikTok algorithm is not rigid and neither should your content be. Learn to always adapt to the changes in the market while being consistent with high quality posts.

Always be ready to jump on trends and compare your content against other creator's to see where you are lacking. Also don't be scared to try new ideas and experiment. This is the way to ensure a steady growth of your followers.

  1. Tell a Story

Like other popular social media platforms, TikTok viewers love a good story. Learn to create and post content that tells a compelling and personal story which connects you to your viewers.

With the right practice and consistency you can naturally bond with your audience through storytelling. This will make them always look forward to your posts and you will continuously gain new followers whenever you put out content.


In your quest to gain more followers on TikTok, you should remember that there is not just one approach. Always learn from your mistakes and from other top creators on the platform, to improve your content quality.

By closely following these proven tips, and gaining experience as you go, you will find yourself among the top creators in no time!