How Many Followers Do You Need To Make A Playlist On TikTok?

While using TikTok, one can create a playlist that helps in systematizing the videos and providing better viewing options to the audience. Here is an in-depth guide on how to create a playlist on TikTok, along with tips and considerations:Here is an in-depth guide on how to create a playlist on TikTok, along with tips and considerations:

how many followers do you need to make a playlist on tiktok

How many followers do you need to have for creating a playlist on TikTok?

To make a playlist one should have at least 10,000 followers in the TikTok app. This feature is mainly for users with a large subscribers list, so they can sort and organize their content easier.

Account Type

Make sure you have a Creator or Business account as these accounts have more features including the playlist option.

A Step by Step Guide to Compiling A Playlist

Step 1: Open the TikTok App.

Open the TikTok mobile application on your respective device. Sign in to your account to ensure you are logged in.

Step 2: Click on Your Profile

To go to the profile page, click on the “Profile” button which is situated right on the bar at the bottom of the page.

Step 3: Go to the Playlist Feature

When you have accumulated enough followers, you will get an option to create a playlist above the video grid. This option is titled ‘Sort videos into playlists’ or just ‘Create playlist’.

Step 4: Create a Playlist In this step, the user can make his/her own playlist or select a pre-made playlist.

Press on the ‘Create playlist’ button A pop up will appear with a text field asking for a name for the playlist. Select a name that would give the audience an idea of the content theme of the playlist, to enable them anticipate the kind of videos they will get.

Step 5: Adding Videos to a Playlist

Once you are done with the naming of the playlist the next step is to input videos. TikTok will then show you the list of the existing videos. Tap on the videos you would like to be in the playlist when creating the playlist. It is possible to add several videos to one and the same playlist.

Step 6: Organizing Your Videos

After choosing the videos, you can sort them in any order that you would wish to have them. You can change the order of the videos by dragging them and dropping to the preferred order you wish to have. This feature enables the user to schedule the videos that he or she wants the audience to see first.

The last step of using the playlist maker is to save the playlist.

Once you have arranged your videos, click on the “Create playlist” button or on the “Save” button at the corner of the pop up window. Your new playlist will be displayed on your profile above your videos.


Creating a playlist on TikTok is an excellent way to organize your content and improve the viewing experience for your audience. By meeting the requirement of having at least 10,000 followers and ensuring your account is set to Creator or Business type, you can access the playlist feature and start systematizing your videos. Following the step-by-step guide—opening the app, navigating to your profile, accessing the playlist feature, naming your playlist, adding and organizing videos, and finally saving your playlist—will help you efficiently manage your content. This not only makes your profile more professional and appealing but also keeps your audience engaged, ultimately enhancing your presence on TikTok.