When to Post on TikTok and Achieve the Best Results

best time to post on tiktok

Typically, the majority of the results seen on various social media platforms are the result of work, commitment, or pure chance.

Tiktok is no different.

If you don't grasp the platform and its consumers, you'll struggle to succeed, as many other app makers have. One of the most important components of that understanding is knowing when to publish on TikTok.

That is why, in this blog article, we will discuss the optimal times to post on Tiktok for content exposure.

Do You Need to Post at a Particular Time on TikTok?

Yes there is a best time. However, this time varies from place to place and depends on the audience's habits.

Usually, Thursdays at 6:00 to 7:00 p.m is an chosen time to post content for the best visibility. Still, this might not work for some businesses and their type of audience.

So it's best to carry out regular analysis and keep flexible posting times that can change based on results. Then with time, you can come up with an ideal period that provides peak visibility for your brand's content.

Why is Finding the Right TikTok Posting Times Important?

Knowing the best time to post your videos, pictures and other media on the platform can help you unlock the best solution for your brand.

Finding optimal posting times is important because it can help to:

Peak Visibility

Knowing the correct times to post your content can enable you to maximise visibility for all your posts on tiktok. This usually happens because you can research the time users are most active on the platform. When you post at the right time your content appears at the top of viewers' feeds, making them more likely to be seen and reacted to.

Take Advantage of the Algorithm

Looking for the right times to post your content on TikTok, is easily one of the best examples on how to take advantage of the algorithm.

TikTok's algorithm is known for magnifying recent and relevant content. If you post when your followers are the most active, that can improve your content visibility and make the algorithm prioritize your posts.

Increase Engagement

Higher visibility naturally turns into better interactions. And interactions are at the heart of engagements. When you post at the right time, your content interaction input increases. This gradually amplifies your reach and continues to further boost engagement.

Maximise Ad Performance

The knowledge of the best TikTok times to post can also come handy, if you run ads on the platform. Posting your ads at the right time will give the same visibility effect that your content gets. This means that the maximum amount of people will view your ad, which can lead to a greater turnover for your business.

Improve Follower Insights

If you always research and monitor when your content performs best, you have acquired valuable data. This data offers deep insights into your audience's behaviour, which can help you further modify helping your social media marketing strategies accordingly.

The Best Times to Post on TikTok for Peak Visibility

Based on research, people are more active on TikTok at certain hours of the day. These crucial times often provide higher engagement rates than other times of the day or week.

However, it is important to note that these given times can differ based on time zones and your type of audience. Nonetheless, here are some the best general posting times on tiktok for maximum visibility:

Morning: 6 AM - 10 AM

Research has shown that on most days of the week, 8am and 9am are crucial times for users. It was discovered that they often check TikTok during their breakfast or their first work breaks.

Active users rise from 6:00 a.m. and peak between 8 to 9:00 a.m. in the morning. Scheduling your posts around this time will help viewers catch your content at the start of their day. This will help attach visibility to your content, and make it most likely appear on the feeds of other users throughout the day.

Afternoon: 11 PM to 2 PM

Another great time to be seen by your audience is right before lunch, around 12pm. Many people have the common habit of taking a lunch break with a means of entertainment. They usually go on Instagram, YouTube or Tiktok to scroll through videos while they munch on their lunch. So if you want some midday engagement, you can post at this time.

Evening: 4 PM to 10 PM

There are various times in the evenings that usually show peak visibility periods for content.

In the early evenings, usually between 3-6pm many users have just taken a break off work or school. They usually have a crack at their phone after being away from it almost all day, to get some content. So this is a great time to be active on the platform.

There's also late evenings between 7-10 p.m. This window is when users are more relaxed and tend to unwind with soft entertainment. Posting during this time can help maximise your views and cause more interaction. This is because there are less distractions during this time of the day.

Lastly you have the night owls that are usually active from 10 p.m. onwards. Choose this time to post your content when a majority of your audience are young adults and teens. This is also a good time for creators with international users in different time zones.

Posting on Weekday vs. Weekend

Weekdays are another important day for posting content on TikTok. Users behave very differently on weekday vs. weekends.

Typically on weekdays users are active around early mornings right before work during lunch breaks and late in the evenings after school or work activities. These times only appear as short breaks and do not tend to last very long compared to the weekend.

On the weekends users usually have a lot more time in their hands so you can catch them in the mornings. From 9AM to 12PM in the morning users are active. Then from 6 PM to 9 PM in the evenings is another peak time for visibility.


The best times to post on tiktok vary from place to place, creator to creator and audience to audience. The above time slots are when users are most active on weekdays and weekends. You can follow this time for your content, but also be ready to change based on your audience demands.